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Im a lovefool. And a taboo.


21 September 2008

Compilation of Complications

I must start with saying that by the standard and the ideal of the norm, I may not represent the most religious person available out there.

I tried to pray (by reciting the translation of the sirah while reading the Arabic verses in rumi to gain full understanding of it) It didn't last long; it probably works for some people but I still prefer the sincere and silent conversations with Him. It's 'real' and it makes the world disappear faster.

I have a spiritual way that I feel more connected to. I guard my emotions and try not to bring harm to others with my actions and words (still working on the latter ;)

I donate whenever I can without doubting and caring over how that person's gonna spend 'my money'. Yeah 'my money', coz you know that nothing in life is yours. My jihad is by trying to be a better person each day. Giving my best on the job I get paid to do, at the same time finding ways to be financially successful with the objective to give more when I have more.

The world comprises of energy. There's this big energy that is guarding us, looking over humans doing things. That's where karma comes from. From this Big Hand that balances the world.

His world is so perfect, He controls everything, and could create anything with perfect awareness of how it's going to end. Sounds pretty boring, huh? So what could challenge such Being? What could motivate Him to even do anything?

He gave away His breath, and let mankind roam on earth, bringing along His Essence in each one of us. Come to think of it, we were non-existant and were created so that we could get a feeling of being alive, to exist. Well, with little ability on memorizing things (they call it learning) and communicating, that's what kept life so startling.

Rumi said that life here on earth is just like a dream. Imagine yourself sleeping on your bed, in your house in town. You dream that you're living in another world and get so carried away with the temporary things that it offers. Completely ignorant about this little Essence in your heart. Swayed with lust, money, power and the proud feeling of existing without even a slight wonder about where Your soul came from and how it happened.

Can't you hear it from the inside, that little voice? Sometimes it makes itself heard, if you pay enough attention.

And then the dream ends. You find yourself waking up on that bed in the original town; completely in shock. I must put you off a bit; as when this happens, everything will come back haunting you. Don't mean to scare you, eh? Everything that is done in this dream MUST be interpreted and judged. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once quoted saying that life on earth is equivalent to 2 seconds. What is time, by the way? It only helps us to know when the mango is ready to ripe, compared from its previous form, look & taste. Do you think God has to follow a certain timeframe to end the dream? Did you think He had to wait for the mango to ripe?

Aaanyway, back to what I said about energy. There is only one energy. Don't confuse yourself. Love exists in the absence of hate. Without love, we won't know what hate is. What would we know of hate? It is just an outcome of when love is not there. To make it more simplify; it's like when people say, "kat situ takde meja." How can they say that if meja doesn't exist. 

The syahadah is "La illa ha illalah" There is no God but God. No God is not a being. It can only exists after God. If not, how could there be no God. What will God mean, if the only understanding about it is no God?

Since we are all energies, came from the Big Energy who is generous enough to give us a slight feeling of existing (even in dreams!) we can control our life. It is not on auto-pilot mode, please.

That's where the law of attraction comes in. God created the world and its contents with just thoughts and words. We could also do the same, but of course in a smaller potion; with our lives! Thoughts project vibrations, that's how you know when you come into a room and you can feel the tense air to the extend that you know someone was arguing even without hearing any of it. And vibrations create similar vibrations on the same wavelength to come in contact. That's a good reason to try and be positive at all times, ey? There is no such thing as chance or luck, it is simply how you choose your thoughts positively. Life is really like a catalogue! Choose what you want, work towards it and focus solely on the end result. Nevermind the hows, that's really not your area to meddle with! Have faith.

He said, "When My servants ask where I am, tell them that I am near"

Not only because His essence is in you, but because when you think of Him, you attract Him to come to you! Remembrance, or zikr; plays a big role in it.

I only have this one annoying question tho; what happens when you want Him using the law of attraction to get Him? Remember that there is no third person needed to get to Him. Screw bomohs, or whoever that thinks that when they display their pious image, they gain direct access to God. And double screwing to the people who believe that!

Sometimes I think of myself in my bed in the original town, thinking of my original form before I am created. And I miss Him so much that I just couldn't wait to be taken away and be re-united. Whoever brought me here must take me home. I can't just leave at my own accord, can I? Yeah, it can get pretty sappy at times.

Sources; The Last Barrier by Reshad Feild, Arab's conspiracies against Islam, collections of Jalaluddin Rumi's teachings, An'l-Haqq, The Secret by Rhonda Brynes, countless of Paolo Coelho's books, God's Debris by Scott Adams, and the Koran.

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