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Im a lovefool. And a taboo.


06 February 2008

Hello Virginia

I didn't forget this blog. I know it's been a while. But until I find the right meaningful matter to blog about, I will take my time. These things are not meant to be rushed.

Last few days, I hung out with someone and his friend. His friend looked and sounded like he came from a very modernized family. The way he talks, with the slang and all. He doesn't seem to know a lot of Malay words, altho' he is one. Somehow, one of our conversations leads to the creation of the first human, Adam and Eve. Or in Malay, Eve is called Hawa.

Upon hearing this, he flipped. He just found out from this conversation that there are things in common about these two religions. And started questioning about why we Muslims attack Christianity's belief, when we all came from the same descendant?

I found it funny when my other friend started defending himself. He had to firmly state that he has no problem with Christianity's belief. To support this statement, he told us that he even cried when he first got into a church, and the fact that he feels closer to this religion, more than Islam. Well, this got the slang boy calmed. Hehe.

Do you want to know what I think? I think that if this is the way everyone thinks, no wonder Israel and Palestine is still fighting. Metaphorically, it's like everyone is so fussy about the clothes they want to wear when they go out, to the extend they forget about going out of their house, and start the journey. And they were supposed to go yesterday, last year, but they are still messing about with which clothes to wear, whose clothes are better. What can be more pathetic than this?

Why can't we go past religions? Why can't we accept the fact that altho' they might be using a different highway, their destination is the same? They will still go to One God, the one your soul is dying to meet. And certainly, God doesn't belong to one unit/group of believers. He is, in fact, the Creator of every beliefs available out there in the market.

I know that it is human nature, we all want to cling to something, to hold on to our beliefs. But at the rate all this religion superiority talk is going, I don't think it serves it's purpose anymore. Religions to me is somewhat like labeling. If you are going somewhere and you need a suitcase, then yes, it needs to be labeled, just in case it got lost. But we're going to Him; and we're definitely not a suitcase! So don't cling/dwell to something which holds less meaning. We gotta go to the Source, dude.

As how Rumi dude puts it;

“The Master said, ‘ There is one thing in this world which must not be forgotten. If you were to forget everything else, but did not forget that, then there would be no cause to worry; whereas if you performed and remembered and did not forget every single thing, but forgot that one thing, then you would have done nothing whatsoever. It is just as if a king had sent you to the country to carry out a specified task. You go and perform a hundred other tasks; but if you had not performed that particular task on account of which you had gone to the country, it is as though you have performed nothing at all.. So man has come into this world for a particular task, and that is his purpose; if he does not perform it, then he will have done nothing’.

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