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Im a lovefool. And a taboo.


12 December 2007

Temporal state

Setiap kali tidak dapat apa yg kita nak (in from of physical/material things, mahupun situasi) we suffer. Kita kecewa, sakit hati, dan mula lah berada dunia tidak adil. Or better yet, berasa Tuhan tidak adil.

Since material things cause greed, ungratefulness, and false sense of being in control, I guess God purposely made pain and suffering exist alongside with us, just to see who is dumb enough to cling on temporary creations. To have their hearts broken dengan benda-benda bersifat sementara. What is the meaning of our sufferings, then?

Untuk kereta baru? Untuk cinta yang filled with lusts? Untuk bermegah dan ingin dihormati?

How foolish we are. I'm pretty sure that's what He's been seeing, from us.

Everything is temporary in this world. Don't cling onto a far less important being, that doesn't have any say on us. If you give in, you're giving it the rights to control your soul.

One day, whatever it is that you want so badly, it'll be gone. One day even if you finally get it, you won't want it this much anymore.

So what is the meaning of our suffering, that we painfully go thru' in order to have something?

What happened to the time that passed me by? Where have it gone? Why do I feel that it's not even there. Like it didn't happen. But I am being judged for this, later on, am I not?

I'm confused. Is this temporary too? Ha.

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