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Im a lovefool. And a taboo.


08 March 2009


Inspector Shahab!!

Arrest me for staying true; the fire just keeps growing and what I thought would kill me only made me feeling more alive.

My life is free when I let go of all attachments and just be.

If you don't have it, you don't need it.

1912 080309 

Not too long about 2-3 years ago, I was drawn to my Creator. It happened seamlessly, I was discovering new sense of awareness, ideas and theories that turned out to be answers keep coming in like as if being whispered to you.

But I am very practical, you see. I believe in reasons. Convince me with reasons, and I shall give in. 

I was getting to know Him. Knowing is such an understatement. How can you know the Power that can be anything and everything? Like a box of surprises.

So I decided to be 'nice'. Now, that's very subjective. Only He knows. But to put it loosely in words; I do what I can, when I can and not doing it for my sake only.

Yeah, I want to please Him. This has nothing to do with hell and heaven. 

Last night when papa came, I seriously didn't wanna help him, I had more pressing matters to attend to.

But I was playing by this rule, you see. 

And regretting it for a few good hours until He came back. I hate that state of mind. Macam kat sekolah asrama, pagi-pagi kena kejut simbah air and forced to run. I was totally helpless.

Luckily it went well. So being nice paid off. Nasib baik. I'm sorry but yesterday was the lowest point because if He doesn't help, I wouldn't know how to motivate myself anymore. To tell the difference between the right thing to do and the opposite.

We have come a long way. I'm excited about the journey home. But I'm gonna play it right while I'm here, too.

I have a vivid picture of how I'm gonna be, how my passion and ideas are being transmitted into something useful.

Isn't life just beautiful? You have been given a canvas, He throws sceneries and you make the scenarios. 

I love writing about Him. I forgo my much needed sleep to write this.

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