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Im a lovefool. And a taboo.


25 February 2009

Si Expressive

It's raining outside, and so I'm stuck.

Riding adalah sangat seronok. Tapi macam love-hate relationship. With God playing the ultimate role in it. And my reactions when it comes to rain are never the same. Kejap marah, pastu cemas, pastu surrender, tetiber jer bersemangat lebih like as if nothing can bring me down if I dont allow them to.

Then kena simbah air dengan kereta laju. I can't even describe how it feels like. Mixed reactions habis, tapi benda tu dah memang expected so it's nothing new. But it makes you feel so small, and so low. And that usually leads you into thinking of Him. What He put you thru. Contradictively, I like that feeling. It's like God is missing you but choose to express it in His own way. He can be really funny at times.

And oh, lori sampah. Adalah subjek yang harus di-include. Dari jauh you can smell the stench of lori sampah. It will become some sort of a mission to find and locate it. Pastu accelerate laju-laju the furthest you can. Sambil tahan nafas. Another way of showing care, perhaps? :)

Sorry I sometimes forget You. It's so good to be alive. It has this kind of effect that makes you forget the Creator and be drown in the worldly creations. Or now, human's creations. I long to go to places that remind me of You. To visit the zoo, to ride to hills and climb mountains.

I guess that gives me the kick of life. I know I used to dwell/analyze/think/desire for someone to go and teman me doing all these. You know, to share. I love to share. I think love is all about sharing the journey.

Can't say I'm still hopeful in that department. But when you're not looking, you forget it even exists. Besides, the journey is supposed to be about finding Him, right? Not about finding someone to go/tag along to find Him. See, it's so easy to stray and be out of focus.

Okay, the rain has stopped. I miss blogging. Si Expressive dapat enough dosage suda.


KooKoo said...

halu. hmm. rajin2la update pls. dah takde blog menarik to read.

spanker said...

i will. i love stalkers! :P

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