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Im a lovefool. And a taboo.


11 December 2009


Was just talking to Jules about 'being in the moment'

And the opposition of things. The opposition of creation is the harm we do/bring to it. Traces of oil in the sea, the corruption of the mind, trees burning, and I can go on and on.

It makes me feel small whenever I think about it. Like human being is nothing, we're just the same as the rock. What makes us think that we're much more important than a rock? Seriously.

Okay, enough about that.

So yeah, we were in a car. And I was being awfully quiet, according to Jules. But I was just thinking, my mind was drifting. I thought to myself, "This is where I am. In the car, with Jules. And the radio has been playing good tunes daripada tadi. How nice" And I was just really enjoying myself, bukak tingkap kereta and layan angin. Be in the moment, katanya lah.

So when she asked me that, I shared with her what my thoughts are. And I said.. "This is where God wants me to be, right now. And the next song, is from Him"

And oh boy, goosebumps sial! The lyrics, the feeling, it's a local band pulak! Seriously, He is really listening. I just gotta remind myself that over and over again. Coz sometimes it's easy to forget. And I love You too :)

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