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Im a lovefool. And a taboo.


01 March 2009

Hari Terlama di Dunia


Today felt so long. The need has called for a wee bit of venting out.

It was raining and I had to juggle both; my real job and my side job. It wasn't easy but I pulled it off gracefully. There was some drama at my illustrator's house. Just had to la kan, at perfect timing!

They both can draw. But her elder twin sister is the one who knows how to do computer illustrationz. The one I hired is just good at hand drawing. So they made a pact. That the elder sister will help to do only the cover design at a price. RM1,000 ; I just found out the figure today. Never bothered to ask before this altho' I knew about the pact. So the younger one will do inside illustrationa that requires more time and delicate attention receives RM4,000.

Rupa-rupanya RM1,000 jealous that RM4,000 is getting more. Best part is, they actually fought in front of me! And the elder one continued to do the cover design tapi sambil lap-lap air mata. And then she suddenly stood up to leave (sebab tade boleh tahan suda kot) tapi terlanggar the standing fan sampai terjatuh. And RM4,000 actually membebel sebab kipas dah jatuh. It was just so bloody awkward, wei!

Last-last, dua dua nangis. Hambik kau! I had to step up and say I will hire someone else to do the cover design coz RM1,000 is being nonchalant about completing her task. Then I will cut off RM4,000 punya payment. Of course.

Baru lah dua dua nak pegi discuss. And came back saying RM1,000 will do it coz she needs the money. Such a waste of time, I tell you. It was still raining and my designers in the office are waiting. So I braced the rain twice in a day. Had the raincoat on but it didn't do much.

Back in the office, the interns needed help. They are not real designers, they're just students for God's sake. Besides, they've been in the office since Friday morning! But my senior programmer and production manager was at home, shagging I think. I had to step up again, luckily I always sat next to my colleagues and see how they create the files, folders plus putting it into the right server, and how to code in XML. I was basically the programmer, the designer, and the production manager for the night. Pretty fucked, alright. But we managed. A few hiccups here and there, but for a team that was not under any reasonable guidance and totally inexperience; we did it! Fastest record for production time, I must say. So proud of them. They gave 110% commitment while others just don't bother.

The intern didn't have transport to go home. And I don't have the heart to ask her to get a cab. It's dangerous, dah pukul berapa tadi. And yes, I ride a bike, sending her home is totally out of the question; there was no extra helmet. So I had to tebalkan muka and ask my ex if she could help coz I know she was in Kota Damansara. She was with 'the man of her life' (she refused to claim it's her bf and I don't plan to ask why) and it was his car. They both are nice people. I am so thankful of them, to extend a helping hand when it's really not their problem. They were both still recovering from last night's party. Post-happypill withdrawal. But they helped. I know how some people think by consuming drugs, doing that to their body is toxic and wrong. It's not about what goes inside you, it's about what you give out. And I had the safest journey in that car, if you are curious :)

So now I'm home. It really was a long day. In the end, drawings were submitted by the twins, and the site has gone LIVE for Disney. Today taught me a lot of things. What money could do to even siblings, how to take charge, how to stay compassionate even in your darkest time, and staying true.

My only wall is time. It pulls me down, it hides the unknown. Do you think God has to wait for anything? He is the matter and the space. He is 1 and 0 in the binary code. When you know how to become the seen, and the seer, you'll begin to understand his Zat.

I long for that day to happen.

1 comment:

KooKoo said...

panjangnya storyyyyyyyyyyyyy... miss you lah. nanti talk talk over ym okies?

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