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Im a lovefool. And a taboo.


25 May 2011


Wow. It's been so long since I last wrote anything.

Funny how I never fail to come here when mind and heart are not at rest.

I never thought it would be this way. Maybe not, I did break some hearts. Hearts that I think will never ever forgive me for what I've done. Karma, is that you?

This has always been the story of my life; helping people who don't wanna be helped.

I can give you numbers, facts, but I won't do that. I honor myself too much to stoop that low. You do the math.

If meeting halfway is impossible, if trust isn't there; neither professional or personally, what am I clinging onto?

A false hope of happyness, maybe? A timeline to my own heartbreak?

When asked, you keep saying "with who?" Tell me, are you waiting until there's a person; then only you're able to make a decision?

I lie to people, hiding too much until I'm believing my own lies. How convenient for her.


ayukrukoo said...'s been awhile babes...

spanker said...

it has. hope things are better with you since the last time we spoke :)

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